Saturated Generation 2023 BFA at National Art School

Virtual Friends ain’t Friends at All, 2023

Oil on canvas

200cm x 150cm x 5.5cm



Everybody Wants to be Hollywood, 2023

Oil on canvas

180cm x 130cm x 6.1cm


During the years of her BFA Tresor immersed herself in the art of portraiture, employing it as a platform to explore both her own identity and the complicated nuances of the world that surrounds her. Her creative process is driven by a curiosity for understanding the complex interplay of the self and society in an era defined by rapidly evolving technology.

Her past practice explored large scale self-portraits with a saturated colour palette investigating human identity formation within digital media. Her art delves into the profound influence of media on one's identity, provoking viewers to contemplate their own sense of self. It prompts introspection regarding the potential manipulation of identity by the intricate workings of social media algorithms—a subject she extensively explores. In her artistic exploration, Tresor drew from theoretical frameworks, including Baudrillard's concept of Simulacrum and Simulation.

These theories serve as a lens through which she navigates the hyper-mediated world in which we find ourselves, offering profound insights into the nature of contemporary existence.

Doll Face
, 2023 

Oil on canvas

200cm x 150cm x 4.6cm


The World Does Revolve Around You, 2023

Oil on canvas

150cm x 150cm 4.5cm


Australian Psycho

Austrlian Pyscho 2023,

Oil on canvas

180cm x 130cm x 4cm

